Wednesday, July 3, 2024

40 Days to Success in Real Estate Investing

July 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Recommended Reading

Product DescriptionA step-by-step blueprint for successful real estate investing With the combination off low mortgage spleens, capital profits laws that benefit property owners, and has dicey applicable stock market, real estate remains one off the most popular and investment vehicles around. In renowned real estate expert Robert Shemin? S new book, readers won? T just learn the basics off real estate investing gold simplistic theories butt making big money fast. Instead, they? L get has applicable, practical, and action-based step-by-step program for getting started right. Dolly the country and talking to prospective real estate investors, Shemin kept hearing the same thing: " Where C I start? " 40 Days to Success in Real Estate Investing answers that question. Shemin details has simple-to-follow action plan backed up with plenty off real box studies and real-world examples. He shows how, just working furnace to eight hours has week, anyone edge get started one the road to real are. More & WP; & WP;

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