Saturday, July 6, 2024

A Real Estate Agent’s Guide to Offering Home Staging Advice OR How Realtors Can Use Real Estate Staging to Dramatically Increase Profits and Listings

August 29, 2011 by  
Filed under Recommended Reading

Product DescriptionREALTORS: BECOME THE TOP LISTING AGENT – SELL FASTER FOR HIGHER PROFITS! Statistics prove over and over that realtors and brokers who advocate home staging services to their sellers get more listings, sell homes for higher prices (17% higher on average) and sell their homes faster – much faster. So it’s no wonder agents love home staging and want to implement it in their marketing strategies. Avoid high priced seminars! Now best selling author, Barbara Jennings (Director of the Academy of Staging and Redesign Decorate-Redecorate. Com), teaches Realtors (and others) how to give authoritative staging advice to their sellers, recommending professional stagers when necessary and affordable. Any agent looking to add staging advice as a marketing arsenal to gain a competitive edge and appropriately help sellers at the same time, will love the practical guidance covered in this jam-packed manual. It covers virtually all the basic topics agents should know, i. . . More >>

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