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An Overlooked Way of Finding Real Estate Notes

August 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Property Tips & Advice

Locating real estate notes is one of the best ways ways to become a real estate investor.   Most real estate notes are snapped up right a way, and that is a problem.   But there is a method of getting those good real estate note leads and turning them into a sale. What is underrated and under used by most real estate investors is this one method.   I was refering to sales over the phone.   Finding real estate notes at a great price can be done this way. If you get a note seller interested on the phone, and get him to send you a copy of the documents, then you can usually close on 2/3 of those that are interested.   Most real estate investors avoid telemarketing for fear of knowing what to say to a real estate note holder over the phone. As in any telemarketing business, telemarketing for real estate investing will  also be a numbers game.   The probability of finding someone wanting to cash out their estate notes increases with the number of leads you call.   You will be able to purchase a list of real estate note holders, after this you will need to follow the four  following  steps when you go to contact them:The first step needed is to create credibility between the real estate note holder and yourself.   Your best bet is to act just like everyone else and do it just as soon as they answer the phone.   You have to find common ground with the person, whether it’s in the way you say hello, or the way you talk about local areas.   When an individual shows a liking to you, you may get a good deal on the real estate notes you want to find. Research studies strongly conclude that the person on the other end of the phone with you can tell whether you are smiling and in a good mood or if you have a negative attitude, just by your manner of speaking.   Keeping the phone atmosphere warm and friendly is of high importance. In your opener you can mail things to people like information on how they can profit on their real estate notes.   Ask if they would be like to receive, for free, this kind of information. Approach them as if you are only there to do a study of the market of note holders. When you want to know about real estate notes through telemarketing, you will have to tell as to what you can do for the note holder.   If you have listened well to the real estate note holder and approach things with confidence, you can use the information he has given you to close the sale.   Just listen to him tell you his reasons for needing money. The most important part of finding real estate notes over the phone is not getting the prospect to sign a contract at this point, but to go look for the original note and mortgage and agree to either fax you a copy, see you, or mail you a copy. Usually when note buyers can get a seller to locate the original contract, then they are more likely to close on the deal.   Any person who is interested enough to look for a real estate note will be more interested than you think in selling that real estate note. If you are a real estate note holder, eNoteWorld. com can help you attain high yield secure investments. eNoteWorld. com is developed exclusively for buyer and seller of  real estate notes, mortgages, contract for deeds, and other financial instruments. To know more about real estate investing, go to http://www. enoteworld. com

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Kenneth Diesi resident Trenton, TX. He is a real estate veteran for 24 years and counting.

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