Saturday, July 6, 2024

Are You Dumb Enough to Be Rich?: The Amazingly Simple Way to Make Millions in Real Estate

July 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Recommended Reading

Product DescriptionNo investment strategy has created more millionaires than real estate . . . even in less-than-stellar markets. This new edition of the bestselling “Are You Dumb Enough to be Rich?” empowers readers to take their first steps toward real estate investing. The book walks readers through a special 120-day plan for starting down the road to real estate wealth. Barnett gives readers the information and resources they need to find the neighborhoods with the most potential, avoid the common pitfalls of real estate investment, and build personal and professional credibility. The new edition includes exciting trends and opportunities to take advantage of, changes in specific state laws . . . even ways to actually profit from a downturn! In addition, the book now includes Barnett’s new ‘Hot Mapping’ system for figuring out where to invest. Too many real estate books focus on stories and unrealistic examples of how other people became rich. “Are You Dumb Enough to be Rich?” . . . More >>

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