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Be Prepared When Buying Property – Buying Tips

April 11, 2010 by  
Filed under Property Tips & Advice

With house auction clearance figures increasing and agents reporting strong numbers at open inspections, we are in an upward moving market.

The advice for buyers out there at the moment would be to make sure that you are ready to move, and exchange a contract should you find your dream home. Real Estate companies are frequently exchanging several properties this year, 2009, where it is literally a race to the finish line with another buyer or buyers as one turned out.

First step is obtaining finance; you should have pre approval in place before you start looking at purchasing. It is also a good idea to have a solicitor / conveyancer selected and it is always a good idea to touch base with them before you find your property to run through the process.

When buying a home first evaluate your wants and needs through a detailed property brief. Then proceed to search for your desired property by liaising with all selling agents in your chosen localities. Source property on the market and most importantly, choose a network of contacts that allow us to source property that is not on the market also known as “Silent Sales”.

Silent Sales:
Many selling vendors are not prepared to put their property to the public market due to confidentiality concerns and expensive real estate marketing campaigns. Working with someone who has a interaction with selling agents the availability of silent sale properties is reported directly to then, and in turn delivered to you. This presents a huge advantage to you – eliminating both competition in the marketplace, and expensive marketing campaigns, therefore allowing you to negotiate a lower purchase price in most cases.

Consider hiring a property buyers agent to find and acquire a property that suits your specific needs, requirements and budget. They usually work and solely on your behalf, and in your best interests only. In practical terms, that means they do not receive fees from the seller, therefore leaving them completely free to negotiate the lowest possible purchase price on any given property.

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Chelsi Woolz explains how you can save thousands when buying your next home with tips that property buyers agents use frequently when negotiating the price on homes.

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