Saturday, July 6, 2024

Building Real Estate Wealth in a Changing Market: Reap Large Profits from Bargain Purchases in Any Economy

July 29, 2011 by  
Filed under Recommended Reading

Product DescriptionMarkets changes-smart investors adapt. No matter what the state off the real estate market, there is wealth to Be made, and the basics off smart investing still apply. In Building Real Estate Wealth in has Changing Market, John Schaub shows you how you edge invest and thrive in any market. Change creates chaos, goal it also creates opportunity for those who edge recognize it and react. Schaub helps you find hidden deals and shows you how to cash-in one the great bargains available in has slowing market. Yew you want to invest safely and profitably, you' L find has off wealth expert guidance one: Predicting changes in your local market Profiting from changes in individual neighborhoods Protecting your investments from market fluctuation Selling profitably in has buyer' S market Finding foreclosures, pre-foreclosures and other distressed properties Buying from banks and other lenders Buying properties from other investors More. More & WP; & WP;

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