Thursday, December 19, 2024

Buy A New House

March 23, 2007 by  
Filed under Property Tips & Advice

Is this a good idea to buy a new house from the manufacturer or a few years time the house?

If I buy a new framework for building houses that would be better? I think it will be better because everything is new, but there could be problems running with a new home. What do you suggest?

If you are talking about a strictly financial investment …. If you keep the house or ten years, then the "new" home will be 10 years and the "old" house is 13 years. These houses are of the same age as resale is concerned. If You paid a premium for "new" home, you just lose the premium. If instead you talk about enjoyment and you really take your cabinets, carpet, painting, and everything, so the cost of the premium is paid back at your pleasure. Teething I think the process would take to be a Home Builders to make it your own and understand the costs and time it. You might enjoy it too.


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