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Buying Real Estate Using Rent-To-Own And Lease-Purchase Options

April 20, 2010 by  
Filed under Property Tips & Advice

By a house gro? ? it is a part of the American dream. But everyone is not as gl? ? cklich, home-owners by limiting factors as insufficient incomes, bankruptcy, bad or no credits, loss of the job, etc. F? ? r humans with such complaints, possession of a house is furthermore dream, and some these people will resign, in order to rent a lifetime. But such people are not without options. Rent ton own, which admits also as hire purchase is, a outstanding alternative to the Verf? knows ? gung, some humans, who at present are not able, a house too kaufen.& #13; Rent ton own or a hire purchase is an agreement between a prospektiven Käufer of homes of one’s own and a at home Verkäufer. The agreement is in the reason a lease with a right to acquire the Grundst? ? ck after a certain period (usually 1 year). If a house offers the Verkäufer hire purchase option, which it is real offer the Möglichkeit to rent and close the house in some monthly rate into the selling price that now home, although the potenziellen Käufer wäre really does not acquire house only at a späteren time (if ? ? berhaupt). & #13; Here is a hypothetical example. We accept, the monthly rent f? ? r a house are $ 1700. In the context w? ? a rde prospective customer the house f? ? r the $ 1,700 per month rent leasing purchase option, but w? ? rde also pay a zusätzliche Prämie (e.g. $ 200 – $ 300) per month f? ? r the option, which at home after a certain period (usually buy 1 year). Thus in this example the sum of the monthly rent is tatsächlich with US $ 2000, but $ 200 – $ 300, will be applied the money to the purchase of the house at a späteren time. In other words w? ? the rde house Verkäufer the $ 200 are valid – $ 300 specially pay after the potential Käufer the taking along at the end of the Jahres.&amp to each month; #13; The good message f? ? r k? ? nftige Käufer from homes of one’s own is that it permits to close into the purchase price of the house it to them now, even if it not for the purchase of the dwelling only at a späteren time. The bad message is that, if a Käufer decides not to buy the house at the end the Mietzeit the Verkäufer often hält the Prämie in the course of the yearly paid, although this usually one point of the Verhandlungen.& #13; Potenzielle Hauskäufer should know that many of the conditions described above are negotiatable, like, how much will be the monthly rent, like much specially to pay each month f? ? r the option Geb? ? HR (if available), the Länge of the Mietzeit, etc. the other question too pr? ? to fen, whether it makes sense, LOCK in a home of purchase price now in Märkten, in which the real estate prices are ckläufig further r? ?, ist.& #13; If for renting, a hire purchase comparison knows an attractive alternative, because it gives potenziellen Käufern the Möglichkeit, a house to possess, before it usually gives it in the situation wäre. some advantages to a hire purchase, how: & #13; 1) no or only small initial down Payment. Many hire purchase options do not require a first Anzahlung.& #13; 2) own capital funds Advantage. At the end of the running time the value of a house in the course of the time can have geschätzt, those the Käufer profitiert.& #13; 3) apartment experience. Potenzielle Hauskäufer have the opportunity for trying a house and a neighbourhood out before the purchase of the Immobilie.& #13; 4) Leverage Advantage. With only a small investment a prospective customer control knows a characteristic, yet the Möglichkeit, not, has the purchase of the dwelling if the market conditions not rechtfertigen.& #13; Rent ton own or hire purchase option can become an effective strategy the Wohneigentumsförderung. However there are both positive and negative aspects of this kind of beginning (as described above). A good broker knows you navigation by complex world Rent ton own and of the hire purchase option characteristics.

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