Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Cashing in on Pre-foreclosures and Short Sales: A Real Estate Investor’s Guide to Making a Fortune Even in a Down Market

December 12, 2010 by  
Filed under Real Estate FAQ

Product DescriptionCashing in? About pre-foreclosures and short zoom? UFE shows exactly how to take advantage of investors, which many call the best upcoming investment real estate market, we have experienced in decades to take! Chip records the difference between treated good and bad deals, shows, see how easy it is to assess and maintain is foreclosure, recounted how to negotiate a profitable business to? Ft, and provides the power of using Ufen empty bonding? and other strategies to f is a win-win situation? r the shore investor who sticking? and the Bank. and save thousands in the process -? also Erstk shore we are on a G ste bargains to buy their own home with all the tools they ben sighted to evaluate safe and pursue a profitable business armed ft? be. Introd? Solution on pre-foreclosures and short zoom? Contains UFE? Lt quotes and advice from top experts, as well as a healthy Including appendix with state and national foreclosure guidelines? Packed Lich valuable contacts. . . More>>

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