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CBD Boot Camp Instructor Shares 3 Handy Tips for the Bride to Be

February 5, 2010 by  
Filed under Property Tips & Advice

As a Sydney boot camp instructor I of course get to work with scores of people and from my experience, getting the best possible results for my clients most often relies on the setting of a deadline in one form or another. In fact, a “bride to be” is perhaps one of the best examples I can think of as far as deadlines are concerned. Let’s face it, once a wedding date has been set, a woman is capable of doing what others would consider impossible, and in order to ensure that dream dress will fit her on the big day.

However, without a suitable dietary blueprint, she’ll be facing an almost impossible task because after all, diet and nutrition is what’s going to get her that lovely slim figure. Before we go any further, let me just point out that the following guidelines provided in this article have helped a vast number of our clients achieve life changing results. For the most part, our clients manage to shed an average of 2 to 3 pounds of body fat per week, while at the same time reducing their clothing size by one size per month. However, it’s important to realize that weight loss shouldn’t be your primary concern, but rather, your focus should be on an overall improvement to your health.

The Fit Bride Way of Thinking:

Eating to Increase Metabolism – Lose Fat, Not Weight

Tip 1 – Remaining Hydrated:

It simply isn’t possible to lose fat effectively when you’re dehydrated so be sure to drink two to four cups as soon as you wake up, followed by a further one or two cups every two hours throughout the day

During period of heightened activity, increase water consumption to approximately one or two cups every fifteen minutes. In order to boost your immune system and to encourage efficient recovery from exercise, it’s advisable to drink at least three cups of green tea each day because of its antioxidant properties.

Tip 2 – Eat Breakfast and Eat Often:

It’s long been known just how important it is that you eat as soon as you wake up, so make sure you do just that. Furthermore, aim to eat every 2-4 hours, thus giving you a total of 6-8 servings per day. By doing this, your body will have no choice but to feed the muscle and starve the fat, hence the reason why this is part of any effective fat loss program.

Essentially, you need to eat three main meals per day with a snack between each meal and again before bed. Additionally, you also need to consume a nutritional protein or amino acid supplement at the time of doing workouts.

Tip 3 – Stay Focused on the Essentials:

Consuming a wide range of protein derived from animal products is essential. Generally speaking; you should eat at least a fist-sized portion of meat. In addition to being the only macronutrient responsible for that sought after muscle tone, protein also causes your body to shed all that fat it’s currently storing. Additionally, protein increases metabolism and the rate at which calories are burn. Primarily, this is because your body requires twice as much energy to digest protein as it does for digesting carbohydrates and fat.

Keep in mind that in order for your body to burn fat at an optimal rate, it’s vital that you consume sufficient dietary fat such as beef, coconut oil, olive oil, eggs, nuts, avocado and full-fat cheese. Just as dietary fat is essential for stored fat to be burnt, so too is it essential for proper hormone production. The bottom line is; include a range of these natural fats with each meal.

As we all already know, eating a wide range of fruit and vegetables is critical, particularly green leafy vegetable. Here again, the general consensus is that you eat at least one green vegetable and as many other colours as you can at each meal, in order to reap maximum benefits.

So, there you have it; my three top tips to see you on your way. Follow these, and you can be rest assured that you’ll be looking great when the big day arrives. What many people don’t realize; when it comes to nutrition, you’re always better off if you keep it simple. Above all, you need to remember; it’s not about weight loss but instead, it’s about fat loss. That’s right; it’s all about shedding those unwanted inches.

Dan Clay is a renowned Sydney personal trainer, boot camp instructor & real world fat loss expert. For more information on his CBD Boot Camp click here Boot Camp CBD or visit personal trainer Sydney for info on our personal training services.

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