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Commercial Mortgages for Small Business

July 2, 2010 by  
Filed under About Mortgages

By the word “mortgage” We used to have begun only recently: a relatively new concept for the Russian practice. If the mortgage housing is becoming more common, the commercial real estate mortgages – has only sporadic cases. Mortgage commercial real estate or commercial mortgage (mortgage business), is widespread throughout the world. Western experience shows that with sound operation of commercial real estate – rental of premises for offices, shops, business services – its yield is comparable to any other area of small business and allows the use of mortgage loans. The essence and conditions of commercial mortgagesMortgage loan is granted for the purchase of non-residential premises: warehouse, office, etc. The meaning of the mortgage is to lend the purchase of commercial real estate under the same pledge. In contrast, housing loans, commercial mortgages are short term loan, but rather high interest rates. Typically, the annual rates of commercial real estate mortgage loans range from 12 to 16%, mainly in the currency. The term of the mortgage real estate – a maximum of 10-12 years and the most common term – 5 years. Borrower must make an initial contribution of 25-40% of the value of real estate. In doing so, the client must be profitable and a minimum balance of the year on the market. The legal nuances of commercial mortgage loanThe scheme of the commercial mortgage is similar to non-residential mortgage housing: there are the same procedures for assessing the borrower and the facility, the requirement of the initial deposit. But there is a fundamental difference – the law does not allow companies to draw up a mortgage on the property until the conclusion of the sale. The object must first acquire and then you can pledge to get the money. An important legal aspect of commercial mortgages – the registration of ownership of non-residential premises, while mortgage encumbrance Federal law does not provide. The Treaty on mortgage commercial real estate is subject to general rules of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on the conclusion of treaties, as well as the Federal Law “On Mortgage (mortgage). According to paragraph 1 of article 9 of the federal law in the contract of mortgage must be given to mortgage his assessment of substance, size and term of the obligation secured by a mortgage. Who will benefit from the commercial mortgage?Participants in the commercial mortgage market agree that the development of the mortgage business is constrained primarily loopholes in the law. However, it is not clear, and someone who will be the borrower, what is its quality. Reliable stable companies can take to acquire an ordinary commercial real estate loans on bail of any property, they do not particularly need a mortgage. And if the company has no collateral or banks do not consider it possible to give her credit based on the evaluation of such a company – why would need a mortgage borrower?It is for this reason that Russia mortgage commercial real estate still is, essentially, for large companies. For small businesses do not have sufficient collateral. On the specific risks of small businesses overlap problem opaque commercial real estate market. Commercial Mortgage SchemeSo, the existing legislation in respect of the mortgage business is not perfect. It defines and possible arrangements for the mortgage lending business. According to the law “On mortgage” for commercial real estate, as opposed to living quarters, is an entirely different mechanism of registration and registration of collateral. Therefore, the market has developed a number of ways to carry out this kind of transactions, enabling them under current legislation. Scheme IThe conclusion of the sales contract. The seller receives a portion of their funds from the buyer, as well as the guarantee of a bank. Then the registration of ownership of the new buyer. Further, the registration of a collateral agreement, followed by the issuance of credit and final settlement. This scheme experts called the most complex and lengthy. Scheme IIThe buyer pays for pre-contract owner (the seller) of its own funds, and the seller receives from the Bank’s obligation to pay the missing funds in the event of registration of mortgage. Followed by registration of collateral on a bank and registration of all documents on the transfer of ownership of the new owner, that is, the buyer (the conclusion of a contract of sale), after which the seller receives the full amount, but registration is taking its course. Scheme IIIRealtors latest scheme called “Ransom entity. ” A company, which is made out of real estate object (entity). Then the borrower to buy shares of the company by paying the loan. In doing so, the company arranged for the property. Leasing – an alternative to commercial mortgagesAccording to experts, a good alternative business imperfect until the mortgage can become a commercial real estate leasing. In this case, the leasing organization – an analogue of a cooperative – gives credit for the purchase of the property and is the owner of the facility until the loan is not repaid. One of the advantages of leasing is that his arrangements clearly stated in the legislation. On the other hand, in case of bankruptcy leasing organization all of its property may depart for the debts of third parties, such as banks. In any case, the risk is unavoidable. Banking experts advise entrepreneurs themselves to influence the terms of lending. According to most experts, the most urgent problem hindering the development of commercial mortgages, the low culture of the financing of small businesses. Mortgage becomes reality when the small business “Light”. The lower the tax culture of small business, the worse the conditions of mortgage lending for the same – the withdrawal of real market-mortgage business.

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