Saturday, July 6, 2024

Corporate Real Estate Asset Management: Strategy and Implementation

May 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Recommended Reading

Product DescriptionReal Estate is not only one of the most valuable assets for a business in terms of visual representation of the company, but also one of the most costly assets. It is therefore important for those studying and practising in Real Estate and Property Management to know how to minimise costs and maximise profit in order to manage these assets efficiently. Corporate Real Estate Management considers the commercial property market from the perspective of the business occupier, offering contemporary solutions to problems and innovative and inspiring added value action plans. It raises the awareness of how real estate can support the business, transform the workplace and impact upon people and productivity. For anybody beginning a career in Real Estate Management, this book considers the theory and concepts behind real estate asset management, whilst offering strategies and practical advice on how these should be implemented in a business context. . . . More >>

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