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Factors affecting mortgage rate in Woodbridge

December 7, 2010 by  
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Factors affecting mortgage rate in Woodbridge

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Factors affecting mortgage rate in Woodbridge

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Posted: Jul 21, 2010 |Comments: 0




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Factors affecting mortgage rate in Woodbridge
By: Zhanna Krupnikov

About the Author
Please visit the website Amortgages. ca if you are interested to learn more about the best mortgage rate Woodbridge. The website also provides information about mortgage Concord and mortgage Thornhill. (ArticlesBase SC #2868629)
Article Source: http://www. articlesbase. com/ – Factors affecting mortgage rate in Woodbridge

Mortgage rate is the interest on a mortgage loan in Woodbridge. Since, a mortgage is usually taken for a long term period of time, the mortgage rate has a substantial impact on your finances. It is thus, important to secure the best possible mortgage rate in Woodbridge, because you will be paying at this rate for a very-very long time. Even a percent difference can cause a large hole in your pocket over time.
While looking for the best mortgage rate in Woodbridge, it is important to know the factors that affect the mortgage rate:

Your finances

First and foremost, your current income level and pattern, expected changes in income or cash inflows, expenses level and its proportion to income and other such financial information determine your negotiating power on mortgage rate in Woodbridge.

Your credit scores

Your credit rating reflects your current and past borrowings, your repayment schedule and default if any, along with the amount outstanding against your name. Lenders would naturally be weary of borrowers with a bad credit history. Remember the golden rule: higher your credit rating, the better will be your chances of getting the best mortgage rate in Woodbridge.

Points and closing costs

Points are fees that the mortgage lender charges for making the loan. They are also called as loan processing fees. While the mortgage rates are more or less determined by the market conditions, important mortgage elements like points, closing costs and other fees are levied by individual mortgage lender. Each lender may have different terms and conditions and charge different fees. Pay special attention to these charges as they can form a substantial part of your outflow.

Type of mortgage rate

Fixed rate mortgages in Woodbridge and other places, generally carry a higher mortgage rate than variable rate mortgages. This higher charge is the premium charged by the lenders for providing you with a stable rate, free from market fluctuations.

Amount of down payment

The higher the amount of down payment you make at the time of taking the mortgage, the lower will be the risk to be undertaken by the mortgage lender. Thus, he will offer you a better mortgage rate in Woodbridge.

Other factors that affect the mortgage rate include :

Life of the mortgage loan
Value of home equity, if any.
By keeping in mind these factors, you will be able to find the best mortgage rate in Woodbridge and save thousands of dollars.
For more information, you may contact:
Allegro Mortgages Corp. – Best Broker for All Your Financing Requirements
(416) 987-0008
Check out amortgages. ca/ for more information on different refinancing options.

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(ArticlesBase SC #2868629)

Zhanna Krupnikov –
About the Author:Please visit the website Amortgages. ca if you are interested to learn more about the best mortgage rate Woodbridge. The website also provides information about mortgage Concord and mortgage Thornhill.


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Source:  http://www. articlesbase. com/mortgage-articles/factors-affecting-mortgage-rate-in-woodbridge-2868629. html

Article Tags:
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Please visit the website Amortgages. approx. if you are interested, more over the best mortgage interest Woodbridge learn. Also information about mortgages and mortgages Concord Thornhill contains the website.

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