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FHA Mortgage loans are Easy to qualify for for, 97% FHA Home loan

April 27, 2010 by  
Filed under About Mortgages

 FHA Home Loan Florida  FHA loans make it Easy to buy a Florida home. FHA Home loans have been helping Florida homebuyers become homeowners since 1934. How does FHA help? The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) – which is part of (HUD), provides FHA home loan insurance to insure private lenders against loss. The FHA home loan mortgage insurance allows private Florida lenders to lend up to 97% of the purchase price and allows financing with No Minimum credit score requirement for Florida homebuyers. Apply at http://www. fhamortgagefhaloan. com/ Easy Qualification – The FHA loan insures lenders against loss for loans made to properly qualified FHA home loan borrowers. So you’re likely to find FHA loans with terms that make it easier for you to qualify. Minimal Down payment Requirements – FHA loan can work with as little as 3% down and those funds can come from a family, grant , or your employer. Although the FHA loan does not have a zero down mortgage option yet, you will find that there are many Florida down payment assistance programs to help you with the down payment. Less than A-1 Credit is Okay – The Florida FHA home loan program exists to expand the pool of home buyers. Even borrowers with prior bankruptcies or mortgage loan lates get approved every day for FHA loans to buy or Refinance homes in. The FHA loan program uses credit quality, not credit score! Lower Cost Over the Life of the Loan – Florida FHA home loan rates are extraordinarily competitive. FHA’s lower risk to the lender means a better rate for the Florida borrower. Safeguards for Borrowers Who Get Behind – FHA loans also allow the lender more options in helping borrowers who fall behind keep their homes are get current again: special forbearance, workouts, even free mortgage counseling. Further, HUD can allow the lender to take past due payments and move them to the end of the loan and in some instance will actually pay your past due payments for you. Options to save your home you’ll never get from a conventional loan! In an uncertain world, this is another excellent reason for you to get an FHA loan. Options for Manufactured Housing – Under certain conditions, you can even secure an FHA loan for a Mobile Home or manufactured home using a Florida FHA mortgage loan. FHA Loans Are Fully Assumable – When you are ready to sell your Miami home, you can offer buyers FHA financing! All FHA loans can be assumed by qualified buyers. The FHA program has evolved since it started in 1934 and now has options for HUD insured loans that fit a variety of different borrowers and situations   Apply at http://www. fhamortgagefhaloan. com/

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