Saturday, October 5, 2024

Fundamentals of Investments w/S&P card + Stock-Trak card

September 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Recommended Reading

Product DescriptionFundamentals of Investments Was Written to: 1. Focus on Students as investment managers, Giving Them Can act on information THEY INSTEAD of concentrating on theories and research Without the proper context. 2. Offer strong, include pedagogy, Including a balanced, unified Treatment of the main kinds of Financial Investments as mirrored in the investment world. 3. Organize topics in a way That Makes Them Easy to apply – whether to a portfolio simulation or to real life – and support thesis topics with hands-on Activities. The approach of this text REFLECTS Two central ideas. First, There Is a focus on the student include year as Individual investor or investment manager. Second, a consist Unified Treatment of the oven basic types of financial instruments – stocks, bonds, options, and Future – Focusing on Their Characteristics and features, Their Risks and Returns, and the Markets in Which THEY trade. . . . More>>

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