Saturday, October 5, 2024

Home Staging in Tough Times OR How Home Stagers Can Profit from a Real Estate Staging Business in a Down Economy or Any Economy, Even Without Cash

July 28, 2011 by  
Filed under Recommended Reading

Product DescriptionTOUGH TIMES MAY CAL FOR INGENIOUS TACTICS! Ace consumers tighten to their budgets, the cashless methods to grow has business become even more effective. Author, Barbara Jennings, has covered BASIC staging strategies, portfolio ideas creation, luxury home specialization, and ways to secure getting paid for staging projects in her other popular books. Now she tackles the subject off developing has business in difficult times and provides has understanding guide to injure utilized strategies overlooked by many when the economy is strong. Jennings (Director off the Academy off Staging and Redesign off Decorate-Redecorate. COM), brings together nap off the most unusual marketing strategies in the home staging industry ever could in print, teaching readers how to think and operate " outside the box" and meet the challenges off the times with passion, purpose and creativity. Readers will Be introduced to practical tips, ideas and concepts not covered in her other books, with. More & WP; & WP;

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