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How do you start a real estate holding company and a real estate development company, can I combine the 2?

February 9, 2010 by  
Filed under Real Estate FAQ

I am 14 and when I get older I would like to start a real estate holding company LLC and a real estate development company LLC. How much money would I need to start one? With the real estate holding company do I get capital gains? Also I would like it to be publicly traded. So what is the best way to go about doing this?

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One Response to “How do you start a real estate holding company and a real estate development company, can I combine the 2?”
  1. Jim Bob says:

    Wow! what a great question from a 14 year old. a LLC (Limited Liability Company) is incorporated with the Attorney Generals office in the state it is established in. The best way to do that is to go to an Attorney. A holding company and a Development company may be combined into one, have different division or groups to do the different objectives, or even the same people.

    You can never have too much money to start a company, it’s the too little that matters. Your best bet is to save as much as possible, write up a business plan, go to friends and family for investment in the company before you start out and hope to have a minimum of $50,000 to $500,000 to start your company. Then you can go to a bank and borrow, usually 2 to 3 times that much more to make your first purchases.

    Yes there are Capital gains even for companies to pay with investment properties.

    When you are ready, have your board of directors vote to take your company public by registering with the Securities and Exchange commission, with the assistance of a Stock Brokerage Company.

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