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How Real Estate Marketing Has Completely Changed in the Last Decade

February 27, 2011 by  
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How Real Estate Marketing Has Completely Changed in the Last Decade

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Home Page > Finance > Real Estate > How Real Estate Marketing Has Completely Changed in the Last Decade

How Real Estate Marketing Has Completely Changed in the Last Decade

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Posted: Jan 29, 2008 |Comments: 0
| Views: 122 |


The success of Real Estate Marketing like all forms of marketing hinges on your ability to produce leads that may turn into actual customers later on. And you have to do this consistently on a daily basis – maybe even on Sundays. Real Estate Marketing is a demanding practice that has to turn into a habit with you. This means you have to be truly committed to Real Estate Marketing for it to work.

If your Real Estate Marketing effort has been fairly successful, you will be able to see leads turning into prospects like clockwork. If it doesn’t, the only sound you will hear in your office is the hum of your air-conditioner and your fingers tapping on your desk waiting, and waiting, and waiting. That is the last type of scenario you want to be in.

You may not know this but there are actually researchers who specialize in the field of Real Estate Marketing too. Of course, Real Estate Marketing has always been about being able to close a sale of a real estate property, but there actually some other trends that come into play in real estate sales, if you take the time to analyze Real Estate Marketing trends.

One aspect of Real Estate Marketing is that majority of people who have a home to sell opt to contact a real estate sales specialist to guide them. But there are some who opt to sell their homes through their own efforts without the assistance of a real estate sales specialist. People who fall into the latter category are usually those who have extensive experience already in selling their home.

A Real Estate Marketing professional is often selected based on his reputation among previous clients and his peers in the industry. Real Estate Marketing professionals may be offering full-service brokerage services (which means such their company or agency can provide a full range of real estate services to the home seller); or limited services (into which discount brokerage services fall); and lastly minimal services (which allow home sellers to participate more actively in the home selling process. )

Appropriate Real Estate Marketing includes having to conduct the selling process under a limited period of time; being able to look over sales contracts and corresponding purchase offers with a keen eye; handle documents and contracts; conduct negotiations with any buyers; and host scheduled showings. This is why your Real Estate Marketing specialist has to charge a commission on his services – real estate sales specialists have to earn a living too while earning a profit. And this is also why some people opt to handle the entire Real Estate Marketing process themselves – they do not want to pay a percentage-based commission to the Real Estate Marketing specialist if they can help it.

Another trend that is making Real Estate Marketing harder is that there are now more people in the industry than there ever were. This makes Real Estate Marketing a more competitive prospect these days for the average real estate sales specialist.

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Joe McFerrin –
About the Author:To learn more about Real Estate Marketing Visit http://www. interiorwebdesign. com


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Source:  http://www. articlesbase. com/real-estate-articles/how-real-estate-marketing-has-completely-changed-in-the-last-decade-317897. html

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real estate internet marketing, real estate marketing, real estate marketing online, internet marketing for real estate

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