Saturday, July 6, 2024

How to Make a Fortune Today-Starting from Scratch: Nickerson’s New Real Estate Guide

September 14, 2011 by  
Filed under Recommended Reading

Product DescriptionAfter writing history first book (How I Turned $ 1000 Into Five Million in Real Estate in My Spare Time), William Nickerson Went on tours to book stores, radio and TV show history Explaining new concept of the average person investing in real estate. This second book in the form of questions and answers historical response to the IS Hundreds and Thousands of people Asked Questions on the book tours and seminars That Gave ET. Nickerson crossed the country of dozen times, Studying Real Estate Development, checking trends, and updating historical information. Beside personal contact history aussi people feel Nickerson Thousands of letters with questions and stories of Their Own Success FOLLOWING historical real estate Teaching. Nickerson says, “These current examples of success over and over PROVE how real estate investment nest eggs Can Turn Into small fortunes off.” Nickerson shows how techniques work in different historical share of the country. He tells how to appraise property value. . . More>>

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