Saturday, July 6, 2024

Make Money in Real Estate Tax Liens : How To Guarantee Your Return Up To 50%

August 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Recommended Reading

Product DescriptionMAKE MONEY IN REAL ESTATE TAX LIENSHow does a guaranteed short-term profit of fifteen, twenty-five, or even fifty percent sound? What if you could acquire a property valued at $100,000 with just a $10,000 investment? In the tax lien game, those kinds of profits aren’t just possible, they actually happen! In Make Money in Real Estate Tax Liens, Chantal and Bill Carey show you how to profit from this safe and reliable wealth-builder. Inside, you’ll find answers to all your important real estate tax lien questions:* What are real estate tax liens?* What are the risks versus the returns of tax lien investing?* Why should I buy tax liens?* How, when, and where can I buy tax liens?* Will I have to foreclose on properties?* Does my state offer tax liens?* How do investors redeem tax lien certificates?* Will I end up owning property?Look inside for the answers and start making money today!. . . More >>

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