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Miami Rental Property Tips ? Choosing a Roommate for Cost-Effective Leasing

February 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Property Tips & Advice

Most of us want to have a share in the pie and some want it all to themselves, whatever that pie may be. But when it comes to the rental pie, sharing it with another will be probably more beneficial. Leasing a Miami rental property can be frustrating and expensive especially if it’s your first time. What is more frustrating is choosing the wrong roommate to share it with. So before you make the mistake of choosing a complete antithesis, or worse, your best friend, here are some tips to remember.

1. Choose a stranger

Although it’s definitely tempting to bunk with your best friend from college or even a childhood friend, living together will increase the chances of your friendship’s ruin. So before telling your friend that you’re looking for a roommate in your Miami rental property, post some ad and consider a stranger.

It’s easy for both of you to take liberties in the living situation, which can instantly put stress in your relationship. Eventually your friendship will suffer. But if you’re wary of letting strangers share the Miami rental property with you, a friend of a friend may be the right choice for a roommate.

2. Consider starting fresh

Starting a fresh roommate relationship is beneficial for both of you. This way, no one has the claim for seniority and everything will be balanced right from the start. You’ll find your opinion heard and your roommate’s, too.

3. Two’s always a couple and more than that is a crowd

Bunking with two or more people is never the right choice. Before your apartment life ends up being a TV sitcom cliché, opt for a single roommate, especially if you’re the one moving in. It’s often that the person moving in will feel the most out of place considering that the original residents have already built an intimate relationship and probably like the same things. So if you want to have the same amount of power and authority in the area, make sure to choose only one roommate, or move in with a single owner.

4. Don’t forget to know the person

Simply admitting a stranger in your Miami rental property and not bothering to know him or her is ill-advised. Don’t be an introvert and, instead, get to know your roommate better. It will be helpful for your living situation if you extend a hand of friendship.

Mark Michael Ferrer
Miami Rental Property

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