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Mistakes Not to Make When Selling Your Property

April 12, 2010 by  
Filed under Property Tips & Advice

Perhaps the biggest put-off for a prospective buyer is that of lingering odours. Speak to any seasoned real estate agent, and they’ll tell you the same. Obviously the first one that springs to mind is tobacco. Stale tobacco (or fresh even worse) is a put-off for even smokers and always rates high on any top 10 list of things not to do when selling. Pets or animal smells come a close second – if you have a pet like a dog try and have it absent during viewings, as some people become nervous around dogs, and will not concentrate on what they are there to see – your property. Finally smells of mould or Mildew are real no-goers and a thorough cleaning must be given to your bathroom and any area which may collect these types of odours. Don’t mask the smell with bleach or air-fresheners, as this can only make things worse.

Ensure kitchen and bathroom sparkle – if you were to arrive at a hotel with taps that were not sparkling, you would likely complain. Give your house the best shine you can – in the kitchen clear away clutter around the cooking area – spices, oils, condiments are useful when nearby your cooking hob, but can easily make a kitchen look very cluttered – stow them away in a cupboard, and make the kitchen look like a place you’d want to cook in, not a place you’d need to re-organise before you even unpack the shopping.

The bathroom is another must. Ensure it’s been well ventilated for a start. There’s nothing more off-putting than a humid bathroom, or the lingering smell – even if it is of shampoo and shower gel. Buy a new shower curtain or a tidy basket for the bottles of shampoo, conditioner and shower gels you might have, one you can take with you when you leave. Replace the old bath mat with a new one, and scrub the grouting in the tiles if there are any bad spots or corners. Many hardware shops even sell fantastic “ grouting pens” like the correction fluids you get for typing or writing which can give your bathroom a whole new look. Again, ensure the taps and the mirrors are gleaming and disinfected. And it goes without saying that the toilet seat should be left down!

If your property has poor natural light, do your best to ensure that what little light that comes through can get through easily. Clean your windows very well both inside and out, and trim back any trees or bushes which may be obstructing the sunlight. Get rid of any heavy curtains or blinds which can hinder the rays entering your property, and if you’re in a city apartment, try choosing the best time of day for the visits, when you know there will be natural light.

Another often difficult practice is to actually be absent from any viewings, too. If you’re selling via an estate agency, then let the agency do their job of selling your property and don’t hang around. If you’re selling your property, then try and let the prospective buyers wander and have a look around on their own.

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David writes about Barcelona Real Estate and Long Term Rentals in Barcelona.

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