Saturday, July 6, 2024

Mortgage-Backed Securities I

March 29, 2010 by  
Filed under About Mortgages

Part I of the introduction to mortgage-backed securities

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25 Responses to “Mortgage-Backed Securities I”
  1. kgmahabir says:

    I LOVE YOU!!!!!!

  2. speculatorMan says:

    in the beggining sal says that you will pay $100k per year, so in 10 years it will result in $1M
    shouldn’t it be $110k per year to result in $1.1M in the end of those 10 years?(110k x 10 = 1100k)

  3. ghostlaw1980 says:

    R we only capable of passing greed laws at this point. I want a mortgage that is adjustable. Adjustable to fair market value. My grandfather took out a loan 50 years ago to start a business. They gave him ten years to repay it. He repaid it in one year. The next year he bought a house free and clear. To all the BMW driving pinto owners, your getting what you bought. Insecurity. I want what I pay for.

  4. asarualim999 says:

    not first

  5. djlohan1 says:

    could i be secound bank for 2 minits and ream about these billions of dollarsssssss….aaaaaaaaaaaaa

  6. donni2121 says:

    wow thats great! thank you very much

  7. ed1962 says:

    Just wrote up 4 pages of notes>>>Watched these videos>>>Re-wrote the lot.

    shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. thanks so much.

  8. chubbychilli says:

    A milllion from ur uncle!!! I WISH! :)

  9. francbiya1 says:

    man i like your stuff is great.

  10. DeanWegner says:


  11. 2fuck2shit2 says:

    What is the Key disfavors by Having Your Mortgage

    realmortgagepaid.blogspot. com

  12. Lunatic4ever says:

    really loved this one,great thing bro

  13. Lukeeeeo says:

    and have a hat.

  14. ZzzVvvYyy says:

    “This is the bank, and they have the money.”

  15. MrMortgage1 says:

    A good mortgage is like a work of art.

    mortgageartist. com

    Your path to the best mortgage information resource around.

    Educating yourself costs you nothing, ignorance can cost you everything.

  16. MrMortgage1 says:

    this is crap

  17. hyylo says:

    Employers what to employee people who are focused in particular fields. Only do a MBA if it is required by the employer.

    ACCA is a brilliant course. I wish I could do a CFA but its tooooo hard. The pass rate for CFA worldwide is about 40 percent.

    If I had a CFA I could make 100k a year.

  18. talal143 says:

    Is this before or after taxes 😛
    FYI, MBA is not only about Finance, it’s a combination of marketing, management, and finance :)

  19. hyylo says:

    lol. you got me 😛

    i was sending this message from my mobile. i mixed up the words.

    i dont need a MBA. i make 60k a year 😛

  20. talal143 says:

    Wow, is that how they call it now? FCA? not CFA?
    maybe MBA is useless, but you definitely need one!

  21. hakker2002 says:

    lol that is why we r in this financial crisis all thx to ABS, MBS, CDO and Credit difoult swaps CDS, do not learn this or i will be very conserned in US banking system in the future

  22. hyylo says:

    MBA are useless. just get a finance qullification like FCA.

  23. ssalavei says:

    Khan Academy rocks! Better than MBA program!

  24. candypp87 says:

    great video!

  25. Lukeeeeo says:

    Greate video. But wouldn’t the investment bank pay more than $1 billion? Otherwise the 1st bank wouldn’t benefit. So $1billion plus the interest plus fees.

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