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Myths About Real Estate Agents

March 17, 2010 by  
Filed under Real Estate Basics

There are some myths about real estate agents, many of which are not so flattering. But when it comes down to it, real estate agents are not too out there, and there is a logical explanation to each misconception. Let’s straighten out a couple myths and facts.

Myth #1: They have big hair.

Fact: Though occasionally real estate agents do have big hair, most are regular people who get up in the morning just like you do, and go to work just like you do. Many real estate agents, in fact, are going bald due to stress related hair loss. Same with the fancy dagger-shaped manicures; in actuality, many real estate agents have bitten their nails down to nubs.

Myth #2: Real Estate Agents drive luxury cars while talking on their cell phones.

Fact: Itâ??s true that real estate agents are often trying to do too many things at once, but they like to be careful about it. And though real estate agents would like to make a good impression on you, more often than not they drive Hondas and Toyotas and hope that their hard work will sell you, not their Lexus.

Myth #3: Real Estate Agents know your area.

Fact: Just like normal people, real estate agents canâ??t know everything. Though they do spend a lot of time driving around town, they canâ??t be in all places at once, and they themselves probably have preferences for one neighborhood versus another. Make it clear to your realtor what kind of area you want to live in, and they can help you look within that section of town.

Myth #4: Real Estate Agents live outside of time.

Fact: Real estate agents have lives too, and those lives happen to take place in the same physical realm as yours does. While it might seem like they spend a strangely disproportionate chunk of time speaking with you, they are actually trying to be as time-conscious as possible, so that you can move more quickly into your home and they can move more quickly to helping their next client.

Myth #5: Real Estate Agents just want your money.

Fact: What real estate agents actually want is an easy life. They want to help you find a home you love, and they want to make their (often small) bit of commission off of it (and thatâ??s off the sale, not out of your pocket). They do not want your soul or your firstborn, just some patience, consideration, and a positive home-buying experience for all.

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Ki Gray is a broker with a long background of helping clients in the Austin market, his site Escapeso Austin Texas Real Estate has a wealth of information about the real estate market and current events in Austin Texas. It also provides a description of the different Austin Neighborhoods.

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