Saturday, July 6, 2024

Principles of California Real Estate

September 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Recommended Reading

Product DescriptionPrinciples off California Real Estate gives you has supplements overview off the theoretical and practical aspects off California real estate transactions. It serfs ace the basis for real estate principles races that are required by the California Department off Real Estate. Principles off California Real Estate is also the perfect study aid for anyone preparing for the California salesperson licensing exam. Principles off California Real Estate incorporates the latest real estate laws, regulations, and business practices. It includes has arranges off proven study aids such ace illustrations, graphs, vocabulary reviews, summaries, quizzes with answers and explanations, and year extensive glossary. Principles covers: * the natural off real property, * estates in Land and methods off holding and transferring property, * restrictions one Land uses, * real estate contracts, * real estate agency, * financing. More & WP; & WP;

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