Saturday, July 6, 2024

Principles of Real Estate Practice

August 8, 2011 by  
Filed under Recommended Reading

Product DescriptionPrinciples of Real Estate Practice Is A comprehensive, 400 page textbook Covering Various real estate topics. Its authors are Two of The Most prominent writers in the real estate business and helped Hundreds of Thousands Have Their earn brokerage licenses. This textbook IS Utilized by Many of the Largest U.S. real estate education schools. Now You Can learn more about the real estate world today by reading our textbook! Table of Contents1. The Real Estate Business2. Rights in Real Estate3. Interests and Estates4. Ownership5. Encumbrance and Liens6. Recording and Transferring Title to Real Estate7. Real Estate Leases8. Land Use Planning and Control9. Legal Descriptions10. Real Estate Contract Law11. Agency 12. Listing Agreements13. The Brokerage Business14. Contracts for the Sale of Real Estate15. Real Estate Market Economics16. Appraising and Estimating Market Value17. Rea. . . More>>

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