Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Real Estate Appraisal

September 3, 2011 by  
Filed under Recommended Reading

Product DescriptionRockwell' S Real Estate Appraisal provides has thorough introduction to real estate appraisal for those preparing to become licensed gold certified appraisers. It also serfs ace has textbook in college-level and continuing education races for real estate professionals. Real Estate Appraisal gives has current overview off the theoretical and practical aspects off the subject, with year emphasis one residential appraisal practices. The book covers: steps in the appraisal process, collection and analysis off appraisal dated, legal descriptions, appraisal maths, analyzing highest and best uses, Land valuation methods, residential construction, estimating cost and depreciation, selection and analysis off comparable, income capitalization, appraisal carryforwards, appraisal off special interest properties, and the appraisal profession. Like all off Rockwell S textbooks, Real Estate Appraisal offers has variety off helpful study aids, such ace detailed chapter. More & WP; & WP;

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