Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Real Estate Market Valuation and Analysis+ CD

May 12, 2011 by  
Filed under Recommended Reading

Product Description “A fresh, insightful look at how real estate properties and gain Professionals Actually analyze Markets. The focus is different product types as well as market segments are Especially useful.” – Barry Hersh, AICP, Associate Professor of Real Estate and Urban Planning, City University of New YorkThis In-Depth Look at the core tools of real estate valuation Will show you how to analyze and The Real Estate Market Assess The Financial Feasibility of a project. Many people go with Their instincts golden past experience When Reviewing the financials and fail to Utilize The Useful Data and Analytical tools available in this field. Get the Analytical Data and Tools You Need to Assess the Financial Feasibility of “any project. The companion CD-ROM includes vital data so you-can see how to Household Income, population, and crime are shaping the real estate landscape. Order your copy today. . . . More>>

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