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Real Estate Marketing & Sales Essentials: Steps for Success

February 18, 2011 by  
Filed under Recommended Reading

  • ISBN13: 9780324314106
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Product DescriptionReal estate can be a rewarding career – for those with the savvy to succeed. Written by a real estate training authority, Real Estate Marketing Sales Essentials: Steps for Success equips new and experienced agents alike with a comprehensive resource of invaluable tips, advice, and hands-on instruction on how to convert their knowledge into sales – and profits. The book walks readers through the major daily activities of real estate professionals, including prospecting for seller appointments, seller listing procedures, prospecting for buyer appointments, buyer listing procedures, objection handling techniques, client follow-up, referrals, contract writing, negotiation, closing, financing, and more. It also offers sound advice on the characteristics of successful salespeople, equipping readers with insight on such key skills as professionalism, ethics, technology, time management, and the psychology of marketing. Agents are already sold, praising Steps f. . . More >>

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