Monday, September 23, 2024

Real State

August 12, 2010 by  
Filed under Real Estate Basics

real state
How I can enter the residential property market, with as little as $ 5K?

I have 21 years of age and have about $ 5 to invest, I like to get into residential real estate. * Because not born in the U.S. without access to credit.

You have to find a state they have properties that are so cheap. The other way to do this is to get together with friends and invest their money together. You did not say what kind of properties they were interested to invest there before I can only give a generic answer to your question. First you have to educate the business you want to succeed in. For Therefore, it must go to your favorite bookstore and buy as many books on investing in real estate as possible. There are many such books available, so you can get an idea that the ends of the spectrum of real estate investments you want to participate in. Books will give way to raise funds for investment in real estate and an idea as to the investment that you want to. # 1 You can allow others to find properties and put the money. # 2 You can find the properties and find others who put their money to you. (You would announce) # 3 You can find properties and convert them to other investors’ attention is applied to find properties. # 4 You can invest in shares and trust first second # 5 You can buy real property notes at a discount. As you can see there are many different investment instruments available, select one you want to specialize in. Of course it will shut down when you shoot it one and get into the other, but must be specialized in an area of real estate investment until it can hire someone to help. While you are reading and increasing access to knowledge property estate investing can clean up your credit and find out where to get funds. Hope this has been of some use to you, good luck. “FIGHT ON”

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