Saturday, October 5, 2024

Sell with Soul: Creating an Extraordinary Career in Real Estate without Losing Your Friends, Your Principles or Your Self-Respect

December 6, 2010 by  
Filed under Real Estate FAQ

Product description even in so-called boom-M? Markets, rookie real estate agents almost always have their new careers h? Harder than expected, but today, even experienced agents are failing in record numbers. to find statistical numbers in the range of 70% to 95% dropout rate, f? r the first year agents and it is well known in the industry that only a small percentage of licensed agents make enough money to live can k? . Why the failure rate is so high? Is it a matter of unrealistic expectations? Maybe. A lack of enthusiasm? Probably. Lack of Reinforcing its estimation and training? Absolutely. What agents need is a good, solid education as competent to sell the property and Jennifer Allan offers for sale book with soul just that. The second issue of the sale with Soul has been updated to the reality? Th reflect today’s challenging real estate marketplace. The book takes the hard questions? Survive in a slowing housing market and provides a blueprint f? R success to help new agents n.. . More>>

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