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SHIFT: How Top Real Estate Agents Tackle Tough Times

February 9, 2010 by  
Filed under Recommended Reading

  • ISBN13: 9780071739382
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

Product Description
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER WALL STREET JOURNAL BUSINESS BESTSELLER USA TODAY MONEY BESTSELLER“Tough times make or break people. My friend Gary teaches you how to make the tragic into magic. Read & reap from this great book.”
–Mark Victor Hansen, Co-creator, #1 New York Times best selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul
Co-author, Cracking the Millionaire Code, The One Minute Millionaire, and Cash in a Flash. Author, Richest Kids in Amer… More >>

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5 Responses to “SHIFT: How Top Real Estate Agents Tackle Tough Times”
  1. I brought this book after reading Miliionare agent, i was a little dissapointed but not too bad would probaly not recommend. Here in Australia it just did not help.
    Rating: 3 / 5

  2. As with his first two books: “The Millionaire Real Estate Agent” which should have been titled “How to Spend a Million Dollars Before You Make a Single Sale” and “The Millionaire Real Estate Investor” both are a waste of your money. Both books are filled with “filler and fluff” and contain no information that will help you sell or invest in real estate. I have been in the real estate business as a broker and an agent and have done very well! If you want a great book, with substance have Amazon find you a copy of Ray Smith’s “Master Blueprint for Real Estate Sales”. Written over 40 years ago, the methods he teaches will get you a whole lot further in the real estate business than will any of Keller’s books.
    Rating: 1 / 5

  3. SHIFT: How Top Real Estate Agents Tackle Tough Times (PAPERBACK) (Millionaire Real Estate)

    A good reminder of what a real estate agent should be doing to build and maintain business at any time. Pretty heavy on the sound bites.
    Rating: 2 / 5

  4. Ronald Klenk says:

    The merchandise was received within the promised delivery. It was well packaged so there was no shipping damage what-so-ever.
    Rating: 5 / 5

  5. Ronald Reed says:

    This is a good book for the times. It helped me get a deeper understanding of the market and how to adapt my marketing efforts to reflect current conditions. Shifts come and go, therefore we should not be suprised by them but actually anticipate them and use them as a way to thrive instead of merely surviving.

    I have a real estate backgound going back to the mid 90’s. For the past seven years I’ve have worked as a mortgage broker. Gary’s comments concerning mortgage approvals was a little bit off, to say the least. Not sure where he’s getting his information from.

    1. A Preapproval letter from a loan officer does not mean the application has already been fully underwritten by the lender. The application is fully underwritten only when there’s a fully executed contracted, among other items.

    2. Appraisers do not generally welcome telephone calls from real estate agents- for various reasons (although I have been known to get the appraiser, the realtor & myself on a 3-way to try and iron out an issue- generally concerning value/comps. But NOT some highly emotional, highly stressed agent conducting themselves in a highly-unprofessional manner, trying to bully the appraiser into making the numbers magically work!)

    3. He recommends using several lenders for one transaction. (A practice promoted throughout the KW organization, that many Top Producers disagree with) Although I do agree with the second opinion concept.

    4. He gives the criteria for choosing a lender. Great info, however it is well known that his company here in Nashville made their choice solely on the lenders ability to compensate them for doing business. (But we are assured though, that this is NOT a kickback/RESPA violation)

    5. Finally, I fear that his admonition to control ‘the process’ may be misunderstood by most real estate agents. Controlling is not about demanding, bullying, whinning, screaming, cursing, etc. There are thousands of emotionally immature agents in the business who’ve never read a book or taken a class on selling, negotiation, influence, etc.

    Controlling the process involves mutual co-operation and respect. Perhaps real estate agents will do well to read other books on the subject of selling, negotiation, and the art of influence to complete their knowledge base.

    Rating: 4 / 5

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