Saturday, October 5, 2024

Sold!: The Professional’s Guide to Real Estate Auctions

August 11, 2011 by  
Filed under Recommended Reading

Product DescriptionThe auction method of marketing real estate is an increasingly popular and effective way to sell a wide variety of properties. Auction marketing provides many advantages such as fast turnover, carrying-cost savings and the opportunity for action-oriented target marketing. Often, an auction can be the best way to expose a property to the market place and obtain the highest net profit. SOLD! is a comprehensive overview of selling real estate using the auction method. It will help real estate professionals understand how real estate auctions work-both in general and for land and residential, commercial, agricultural and industrial properties. The book offers practical guidelines to: . determine if an auction is appropriate for a particular property, . choose an auctioneer, . plan for and promote the auction event, and. track the success of the auction event to closing. The authors examine important elements in the auction process such as real estate valuation, e. . . More >>

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