Saturday, October 5, 2024

Streetwise Landlording & Property Management: Insider’s Advice on How to Own Real Estate and Manage It Profitably

August 20, 2011 by  
Filed under Recommended Reading

Product DescriptionHelpful Advice for Protecting Your Investment and Your Tenants! As appealing and lucrative property ownership as Can Be, it isn t year occupation To Be Learned Through trial and error. It? S essential property owners Understand all the ins and outs? Legally and viable financially? For Their Own Welfare as well as Their proponents. Streetwise? Landlording and Property Management addresses all aspects of the business, from the Practical to the Strategic. Decide If Property Management Is Right for You Is A Property Management 24 / 7 job with high rewards as well as Risks. Streetwise? Landlording and Property Management Help You Assess whether or not you? Re cut out for the job. ? Do you have the right personality for managing property? ? What are the pros and cons of buying and managing property? ? How do you determined can the Investment Risk? ? What does it take to buy and sell real estate? How to Be a Good Landlord Landlording. . . More>>

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