Monday, July 1, 2024

The All-New Real Estate Foreclosure, Short-Selling, Underwater, Property Auction, Positive Cash Flow Book: Your Ultimate Guide to Making Money in a Crashing Market

September 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Recommended Reading

Product DescriptionPraise for How to Sell Your Home Without has Broker" There is scale off 1 to 10, this book has 10. "? Robert BrussJump into the real estate range? and win big! Home been worth are crashing and foreclosures are way up. Does You might think this is have terrible time to get into the real estate market? goal you' D Be wrong! With crashing real estate market offers plenty off opportunity to profit, yew you know how to changes your strategy and adjust to the new market reality. In The AlNew Real Estate Foreclosure, Shorts-Selling, Underwater, Property Auction, Positive Book Cash-flow, signal real estate investors and authors Chantal and Bill Carey show you how to get in safely and get out profitably. They present furnace new strategies for taking advantage off today' S high foreclosure misses and explain how to invest for the length-term ace the market resets to more realistic levels. Beginner investors will find plenty off strategies for profiting without risking all they cuts,… More & WP; & WP;

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