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The Importance of Mortgage Advice

February 17, 2011 by  
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The Importance of Mortgage Advice

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Home Page > Finance > Mortgage > The Importance of Mortgage Advice

The Importance of Mortgage Advice

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Posted: Oct 08, 2010 |Comments: 0


Despite a substantially low Bank Of England interest rate and an adequate supply of housing stock, the level and number of mortgage approvals is notoriously low.
The UK is often cited with having one of the most sophisticated and often complicated mortgage markets in the world and the UK mortgage market has evolved considerably in its complexity over the past few years. The need for expert mortgage advice has never been more important than it is today for mortgage holders.
Mortgage advisors, and further independent mortgage advisors have access to the entire financial market of mortgage plans and products from virtually every mortgage provider on the market.
For first time buyers purchasing their first home or even existing homeowners looking to re-mortgage, it is especially important to seek out expert mortgage advice to ensure that each individual mortgage holder secures the right home loan for their own personal circumstances.
Independent mortgage advisors and independent financial advisors have unlimited access to the entire financial market and every specific mortgage plan and product that is currently on the market and available. This differs to ‘tied’ mortgage advisors who work on behalf of a linked or specific mortgage provider that supply and recommend products and mortgage plans from the linked company’s own portfolio only. Even though the recommendation to a potential mortgage holder might be the best out of one company’s mortgage plan range, it may not and usually is not the best mortgage deal for the individual out of the entire financial market.
Indeed independent mortgage advisors and IFAs have sophisticated specialist software that can scan the entire financial market in minutes, helping to match each individual potential mortgage holder with the right product based on their unique personal and individual circumstances. The importance of expertly marrying up the right mortgage holder to the right mortgage product ultimately brings about money savings over the long term.
There is currently an abundance of mortgage deals, but some are not made available to the general public are only accessible through specialist mortgage advisors, which again reinforces the potential for making the best match of product than any other party.
Mortgage advisors are experts in how mortgage plans and products work and will know any loopholes in the system and the pros and cons of each mortgage product, which will help build up the mortgage holder with a better picture. They will also go through any issues or queries, walking the mortgage holder through every course of action of the mortgage deal.
Many independent financial and mortgage advisors often charge only a fee of less than half a percentage point, so it is a common misconception that advisors are expensive. Some even charge no fee to the mortgage holder as the mortgage providers themselves pay the advisors for their advice and support.

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Harry Pearce –
About the Author:Harry is a internet consultant who has a vested interest in the UK mortgage market as he is a homeowner. He therefore writes occasional overviews about finance and mortgages in order to help people find the best mortgage advice for them. Harry has found that the UK finance market is difficult at the moment and speaking to a financial advisor is beneficial. Consider http://www. bestmortgageadvice. uk. com


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Source:  http://www. articlesbase. com/mortgage-articles/the-importance-of-mortgage-advice-3429420. html

Article Tags:
mortgage, personal finance, mortgage advisors, interest rates

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Harry is an Internet advisor, the one justified interest to the British mortgage market, when he an home-owner has. It writes from there occasionally overviews over Finanz-und mortgages around humans to help, finds you the best mortgage consultation for it. Harry found out that the British financial market is difficult for the moment and is in the discussion with a financial adviser of advantage. Regard http://www. bestmortgageadvice. uk. com

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