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The Part-Time Real Estate Investor: How to Generate Huge Profits While Keeping Your Day Job

February 3, 2010 by  
Filed under Recommended Reading

  • ISBN13: 9780910627023
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

Product Description
Fortune Magazine states, 97 out of 100 self-made millionaires made their fortunes through Real Estate Investing, and the next 10 years will be a Golden Era for the informed Real Estate Investor. If you are saying to yourself That sounds great but I can not quit my job and begin investing full time. I have bills, kids in school, car payments, and a mortgage to support, you are in luck. This new book is for you! You will learn how to become a skilled professional Real… More >>

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5 Responses to “The Part-Time Real Estate Investor: How to Generate Huge Profits While Keeping Your Day Job”
  1. P. Spangler says:

    The Part-Time Real Estate Investor: How to Generate Huge Profits While Keeping Your Day Job, by Dan W. Blacharski, is a wonderful and inspiring book that is presented with humor, information and insight for the average American that is struggling, but that dreams of something better for their life. Blacharski begins the work by focusing on his own credit-worthy shortcomings in an entertaining method that millions of people can relate to and that serves to lay a foundation for the belief that anyone with the commitment to changing their life can do so through knowledge. That knowledge, in Blacharski’s book, relates to the real estate market and how the acquisition of property can progressively provide a source of income for people that will lead to financial security and stability. This is not a guide that suggests that the reader will be rich overnight, but instead a guide that uses facts to support all of the information that is provided and that offers a step-by-step manner of approaching the topic. The writing is not only filled with the first hand knowledge of the author, it is engaging and inspiring. In a world in which most people are told that they have to accept whatever socioeconomic barriers that confront them, Blacharski is capable of opening his reader’s eyes to the possibility that there is another path that can be taken and that, with a little determination and knowledge, anyone can do it.

    Rating: 5 / 5

  2. Gary Baren says:

    It is always easy to write a review on a book that appeals to you right from the beginning. And these words are heartfelt. Of course, to see whether this book is good or bad, in any sense, we have to read it. So pluck up your spirits and open it! Once you have done it, it is almost impossible to put the book down.

    To better understand how the money world works you do not have to spend years of research and live your life in secret labs. Simply go out for it. Money world is around you, maybe even in your neighborhood. That is what Dan W. Blacharski, the author of the book, tries to explain. But do not get discouraged thinking that the author is going to give a lecture — one of the many on `How to Get Rich in a Fortnight’ we can attend any time in any city of the country. That is quite another story.

    Holding in mind that there are still lots of things to learn, we are free to choose between seminars, real estate programs and the books on the corresponding topic. I am not sure of whether these seminars are useful, but I am pretty certain of the fact that Part-Time Real Estate Investor really inspires. I am not a real estate guru in terms of buying and selling, but I devoured this book within a single day. Moreover, next morning my first purchase was a newspaper with lots of real estate related materials. Am I going to be an investor? I am sure I am going to try.

    The majority of people out there think starting their own business is a risk and even a waste of time. Let them think so. I am sure we are not this kind of men. Yes, there are some obstacles on your way to good money and even wealth. But they are nothing comparing with what you will get. Dan W. Blacharski gives compact and precise information on how the whole business works. Unlike the lecturers and tutors in a college, the author opens you the doors to the core of real estate business and quite clearly states that `there really are no secrets in real estate wealth building’.

    The book is perfectly designed. The chapters consist of subtitles, which give you direct information on how this or that method/trick works or does not work. Then there are lots of myths of the trade that help you escape the reefs of the business. PART-TIME REAL ESTATE INVESTOR TIP is a common insertion where the author either summarizes the ideas of the chapter or provides examples of real estate routine work. Such notions as creative financing, REIT, tax deduction, promotion of homeownership are not just labels — they are thoroughly explored and clearly explained by the author. A friend of mine, who is a teacher, said when she finished the book, “Well, this book sounds like Zero Conditional!” I could not have expressed myself better.

    You know, after the first reading of Part-Time Real Estate Investor I was not satisfied. I realized I need a second reading. I was so much overwhelmed by the book having finished the last chapter that I was thinking of it the whole night. The whole business turns out to be quite a nice deal to try and there are no limitations! Real estate investors get to be rich by learning from their mistakes, and by not giving up after the first failure. Paraphrasing Margaret Thatcher’s famous words, I want to say that you have to sell/buy a house more than one to get rich. And frankly, that seems not a very hard work to do…

    Rating: 5 / 5

  3. I found it an incredibly hard book to put down. The author offers a solid, common sense approach to investing in real estate. Essentially blows away the get rich quick schemes touted by many popular real estate investment books and seminars today. The author discussed at length, the many different types of real estate investing and what works better given certain situations. He also listed types of contacts to make and how to get investments leads. The information provided gave sound advice that was realistic in scope and ideas. The case studies and bonus tips sprinkled throughout the book add an extra measure of “you-can-do-it-too.”

    Even includes an exhaustive glossary listing of real estate and investment need-to-know terminology and definitions. This is definitely a very informative and necessary book to read before and while embarking on the journey of real estate investment. Avoid the pricy seminars and read this book first.

    Rating: 5 / 5

  4. OK, I’ve read the book. Its still 4 stars. The best part is the explanations and uses of subject-to and land contracts. Each allow you to sell a house to a sub-prime borrower for a higher interest rate and protect yourself by keeping the house if the borrower defaults.

    He really missed the possibility of home prices cratering. My wife and I are looking at homes in an area where some are selling for about half of what they sold for two years ago.
    Rating: 4 / 5

  5. I ordered this book and 2 other books with about the same basic thing. This book didn’t really have any weak areas. It’s also informative enough for full-time investors. It was pretty good at not using terms are jargon that beginners couldn’t understand. The book was pretty good at slowly bringing you into the world of real estate investing and not leaving you in the dust.
    Rating: 4 / 5

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