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Tips To Help You Sell Your Property

February 23, 2011 by  
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Tips To Help You Sell Your Property

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Home Page > Finance > Real Estate > Tips To Help You Sell Your Property

Tips To Help You Sell Your Property

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Posted: May 13, 2008 |Comments: 0


It is a well recognised fact that the majority of buyers will make a decision on a property within the first minute of seeing it. This does not give you long to make the most of your assets but there are certain free and almost free strategies you can employ beyond the old ‘baking bread’ routine. If you want buyers to meet the valuation price it is vital that you use some of these techniques, the sale of your property depends upon it.
Most people are aware that a clean and well presented property will sell quicker and for a figure closer to its valuation than a dirty one. This article will present some tips that if not free, are at least inexpensive. While most people do not have the money to invest in major renovations to their property or adding an extension to improve the valuation, with a little time and effort the price you receive from a buyer can be increased.
Fundamentally, these tips are concerned with improving the aesthetics; the majority of buyers are especially swayed by the look of a property, not necessarily its valuation in terms of actual worth. The number one tip therefore is tidy your house thoroughly before any visits, this is free and simply requires effort on your part. The clean does not even have to be a spring clean from top to bottom; by tidying away debris, rubbish and items such as children’s toys it is possible to make the best of your home, showing the space off to its greatest ability.
In terms of the gardens if you want the property to live up to its valuation, something free that you can do is to cut back the bushes and shrubbery to ensure they look neat and appealing; this is especially true around the house, if you have a bigger garden you may get away with some unruly growth. Well trimmed bushes and shrubs will however make the property look well maintained, this is subconscious on the part of the buyer but will definitely help you achieve that valuation price you are after, and once again this action is free and well worthwhile.
Although not free, it may be worth buying inexpensive flowers for the exterior as well as the interior of the property. Attractive flowerbeds in and around windows and doorframes can be an especially strong selling point. The same can be said for well manicured and landscaped lawns. Current estimates show that properties that have undergone landscaping receive four to five percent higher prices when it comes to a sale, that much closer to the original valuation figure.
If your window frames and doorframes are made of wood ensure these are in good condition. This can be free or cost as little as a pack of sandpaper and some varnish. All it takes is a weekend spent sanding and varnishing, restoring the frames to their former glory. This will considerably improve the buyer’s response and get you closer to the valuation price. Buyers look at these kinds of details as potential problems so by making sure they look clean and tidy, as well as sturdy will make your property more appealing.
While painting the whole of your house may be an expensive remedy to a tired looking exterior, a tin of touch up paint allowing you to tackle the worst affected areas can be a great solution. This should also be applied internally making sure any chipped paint is remedied and made good. The effects will be considerable giving your house a much cleaner and tidier appearance.
The name of the game when selling your property is to get as close to the valuation price as possible. By utilising these tips that in the large part are free or at least inexpensive, the sale of your home can be speeded up and the price it sells for can be improved.

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Thomas Pretty –
About the Author:Real estate expert Thomas Pretty looks into ways to make you house worth more and how a free property valuation is vital when selling your home.


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Source:  http://www. articlesbase. com/real-estate-articles/tips-to-help-you-sell-your-property-413397. html

Article Tags:
free property valuation, property valuation, online property valuation

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Real estate expert Thomas Pretty looks into ways to make you house worth more and how a free property valuation is vital when selling your home.

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