Saturday, September 21, 2024

Today’s Mortgage Rates: Which home loan is best?

April 1, 2010 by  
Filed under About Mortgages

Texas Mortgage Info: How your mortgage person structures your loan is more important than the getting a low rate

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18 Responses to “Today’s Mortgage Rates: Which home loan is best?”
  1. SEXYSHEKHAR007 says:

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  3. RHFLuzzi says:

    Ampedee, I’m a mortgage broker and banker. I used to work for one of the largest banks in the country and to be honest our fees and costs were so much higher than brokers. Large banks spend money on advertising and pay salaries.

  4. 2fuck2shit2 says:

    What is the Key disfavors by Having Your Mortgage

    realmortgagepaid.blogspot. com

  5. ampedee says:

    hoyl hell this guy is a good sales man, but being in the mortgage industry my sell i see right through alot of his bulshit. GETTING YOUR LOAN THROUGH A BROKER MEANS UR GOING TO PAY MORE IN FEES, BECAUSE THAT LOANS GOING TO JUST END UP AT ONE OF THE BIGGER BANKS IN THE LONG RUN ANWAYS…..

  6. cant9562 says:

    Hey Bank of America! You didn’t do squat for me and my husband. You promised the world but delivered nothing. So why don’t you get off this website and go do somethingproductive??? Like….get an education!

  7. MrMortgage1 says:

    mortgageartist. com

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  8. evanswanson says:

    very professional response b of a.

  9. mortgagebrokerdave says:

    That is a great video, you break it down very well.

  10. MrMortgage1 says:

    lots of info here

  11. MrMortgage1 says:

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  12. smmiller777 says:

    I am a mortgage underwriter and PMI is for conentional loans only. FHA loans have MIP. This is not new. No, mortgage insurance is not required on a conventional loan when 20% is down. If less than 20% PMI is required. The 3% loan he speaks of is now 3.5% now in todays market is an FHA loan. Most folks that do not speak on that type of loan is not approved to do FHA loans. Not too many companies do 2nd liens any more. The lender is the best loan to do because the fees are less.

  13. friedmanrc says:

    Mmmmm, that doesn’t make sence. I work for Bank of America, and the normal customer is required to put down 20% to not pay PMI. You don’t need to pay PMI, unless you have less than 20% equity in your home. Please talk to me if you have any other questions

  14. friedmanrc says:

    I work for Bank of America. We do many different scenrios for our customers. I will always give many different product scenrios based on my customer’s information. You really don’t know what your talking about.

  15. LtStarkiller says:

    You are now required to have a PMI on a FHA loan for it’s lifetime? Even with putting 20% down? When did this happen?

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