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Trainingpro Mortgage Education Approved in Colorado

August 7, 2010 by  
Filed under About Mortgages

TrainingPro, the national leader in mortgage education and preferred online education partner of the Colorado Association of Mortgage Brokers, is now an approved mortgage education provider in Colorado. One of the first online mortgage education providers in the state, TrainingPro offers the required 40 hours of approved curriculum in online and live class format. TrainingPro is approved by the Colorado Division of Private Occupational Schools (DPOS) and PSI, the content approving body.

According to Senate Bill 07-203, all mortgage brokers in Colorado must be licensed with the Division of Real Estate before January 1, 2009. One component of this licensure is the successful completion of a 40-hour mortgage training requirement conducted by a state-approved mortgage education provider. All mortgage brokers who currently maintain a Colorado mortgage broker’s license must complete this licensing education and pass a state exam by January 1, 2009.

According to Part 9, Section 12-61-902 of the Colorado Mortgage Broker Licensing Act, a mortgage broker is defined as: “an individual who negotiates, originates, or offers or attempts to negotiate or originate for a borrower, and for a commission or other thing of value, a residential mortgage loan to be consummated and funded by a mortgage lender. ”

TrainingPro’s 40-hour mortgage education course, “Mortgage Basics: Increasing Knowledge, Creating Opportunities,” is a comprehensive pre-licensing training program that addresses the fundamental laws, concepts and practices involved in the mortgage industry. The course includes 19. 5 hours of federal and state mortgage laws, 16 hours of mortgage basics and 4. 5 hours of business and trade practices.

“TrainingPro is excited to begin offering its proven mortgage training curriculum to the mortgage professionals in Colorado,” said Christopher Nickerson, CEO of TrainingPro. “We are proud to provide two training options for this new mortgage training requirement – online and live – to cater to different learning styles. We fully support the state’s initiative to enrich and elevate the mortgage industry through education and will be available to help and guide Colorado mortgage brokers through the process. ”

TrainingPro is the preferred online education partner for the Colorado Association of Mortgage Brokers (CAMB). Together, TrainingPro and CAMB are working to provide the highest quality solution for mortgage training in the state. CAMB members are invited to receive a discount off of the 40-hour online course by visiting www. TrainingPro. com/camb.

Colorado is the 32nd state to approve TrainingPro as a mortgage education provider. TrainingPro is also approved in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

Mortgage education courses can be purchased through the TrainingPro web site at www. TrainingPro. com or by calling an account representative at 1-877-878-3600.

About TrainingPro

TrainingPro is the national leader in mortgage education. Its mission is to elevate and enrich the mortgage industry through its innovative compliance solutions and comprehensive educational programs. With extensive experience, a proven training platform, and superior client service as its foundation, TrainingPro is the educational partner for small and large mortgage corporations as well as state industry associations and the National Association of Mortgage Brokers. TrainingPro was listed on the 2006 Inc. 500 list, conducted by Inc. Magazine, as one of the fastest growing companies in the nation. For more information about TrainingPro, please visit www. TrainingPro. com.

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