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What Is A Flexible Mortgage?

August 18, 2010 by  
Filed under About Mortgages

A flexible mortgage is a secured note that can be re-paid in different amounts and at the same access to housing equity (in pre-agreed limits). There are five main functions with a flexible mortgage: the ability to pay the mortgage, back off early through overpayments or lump sum payments on loan to the ability of money by the withdrawal of lump sums, which in underpayments and payment holidays. can have a flexible mortgage you more control than with a traditional type of mortgage, and the overcharge feature significantly save money on your mortgage, for example: Example 1: 140,000 ? mortgage, 6% interest rate, mortgage term 25 years. Monthly mortgage payment ? 902 and increased by 50 to ? ? 952 – the total cost would be saved would ? 16 193, and the adjusted mortgage term is 22nd Two years. Example 2: 100 000 ? mortgage, 7% interest rate, mortgage term 30 years. Monthly mortgage payment ? 665 and increased by 50 to ? ? 715 – the total cost would be saved ? 31 193, and the adjusted mortgage term would be at the 24th 2 years Lump sums can also be a significant difference to your mortgage. For example, ? 150 000 mortgage, 7% interest rate, mortgage term 25 years – if you made a ? 10 000 lump sum after 5 years the mortgage would be the interest saved ? 26 576. 81 and the time saved two years and 10 months would be. If you ? 10 000 lump sum payment after 1 Year of the mortgage, the interest saved would be 36 949 ?. 05 would be stored and the time 3 years and 8 months (All figures are approximate). Two other reasons for overpayments on your debts with a flexible mortgage are: Save interest – the interest charged on your mortgage is usually higher than the average savings account. Consequently, it is better to pay off your mortgage with an interest rate of 6 9%, as your money in a savings account with an interest rate of 4 3%. Reduce the capital debt – all the extra payments reduce the capital debt and only paying the interest on your flexible mortgage, at the start, up to 95% of your monthly mortgage payment goes to pay interest and only a small amount of your monthly payment on capital debt paid. A flexible mortgage can be tailored to a borrower needs and lifestyle, there are different types of flexible mortgages in the market to bring. Some flexible mortgage can be quite restrictive without underpayment investment and limited access overpayments, while another type of flexible mortgage can be very much room for borrowers to deposit and withdraw sums in any amount at any time. A flexible mortgage has a higher interest rate than a traditional mortgage, but the key selling point for a flexible mortgage the long-term savings in interest rates, which can make overpayments and lump sum payments to get ahead in the repayment plan to make early repayment of the mortgage. In a recent survey of borrowers who had a flexible mortgage: 32% had used the overpayment facility, and 90% who had overpaid would do it again. 51%, the overpayments were not made plans to do so in the future. 69% of borrowers to make overpayments had been so for more than six months, and 87% will continue to pay up overpaying the mortgage. Most viewed overpay overpayment as long-term plan for the cleaning of their mortgage debt and save money in the long term. Although the flexible mortgage is a relatively new type of mortgage is on the market, it is forecasting an increasingly popular destination for borrowers and lenders that the flexible mortgage will be more accommodating for the borrower.

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For more information on flexible mortgage deals and offset mortgage offers, visit www. offsetmortgagecentre.

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