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What is Real Estate Investment Trust

August 2, 2010 by  
Filed under Property Tips & Advice

Investing in income property can be a great way to increase your capital. But for many people, investing in real estate, especially commercial and industrial real estate is just out of reach from the financial point of view. But what if you could join forces with other small investors and large investments in commercial real estate in the group? With Real Estate Investment Trust, you can do it!
REIT means Real Estate Investment Trust, and is sometimes referred to as “real estate holdings. ” Real estate investment trust is a companie that owns and manages a portfolio of real estate and mortgages. Anyone can buy shares of the REIT. Real estate investment trust offers the benefits of real estate without the headaches or expense of the landlord. Said another way the investor has the benefits of real estate ownership with no management role in the toilets and tenants.
Real Estate Investment Trust of certain types offers great benefits of liquidity and diversity. In contrast to the actual ownership of real estate, these measures can be quickly and easily sold. And because you invest in a portfolio of real estate, rather than one building, it comes with less financial risk.
Real Estate Investment Trust was created in the sixties when Congress decided that small investors should also be able to invest in large-scale, income-generating properties. It was found to be the best way to make it a model of investment in other sectors – the purchase of shares.
The company must distribute at least ninety percent of their taxable income to shareholders each year as a Real Estate Investment Trust. Most Real Estate Investment Trust pays out one hundred percent of their taxable income in dividend distributions. To maintain its status as a pass-through entity, Real Estate Investment Trust dividends are paid to shareholders annually.
From 1880 to the 1930’s, a similar provision in place, which allows investors to avoid double taxation – paying taxes as private and business – were convinced, because they do not pay income tax if the income is distributed to beneficiaries. It was abolished in the nineteen thirties, when the passive investments are taxed at the corporate level, as well as part of the profit tax. Real estate investment trust supporters were not able to change the law to overturn the decision within thirty years. Due to high demand for real estate funds, President Eisenhower signed the nineteen sixty Real Estate Investment Trust as a REIT tax pass-through entities.
The company must comply with all other requirements to qualify as a real estate investment trust and to win passage of a person. They should:
1. Be structured as corporation, business trust, or similar association
2. Be managed by a board of directors or trustees
3. Offer fully transferable stock shares
4. Have at least one hundred shareholders
5. Pay dividends of at least ninety percent of the REIT’s taxable income
6. Have no more than fifty percent of its shares held by five or fewer individuals during the last half of each taxable year
7. Hold at least seventy five percent of total investment assets in real estate
8. Have no more than twenty percent of its assets consist of stocks in taxable real estate investment trust subsidiaries
9. Derive at least seventy five percent of gross income from rents or mortgage interest
At least ninety five percent of a real estate investment trust gross income must come from financial investments (in other words, it must pass the ninety five-percent income test). These include rents, dividends, interest and capital gains. In addition, at least seventy five percent of its income must come from certain real estate sources (the seventy five percent income test), including rents from real property, gains from the sale or other disposition of real property, and income and gain derived from foreclosure of property.
This article was written by Robert Shumake, CEO of Inheritance Capital Group, LLC and founder of http://reitbuyer. com/ an online service for people who wish to invest in real estate without the headaches and liability exposure that go with being a landlord. Visit Robert’s website to learn more about Real Estate Investment Trust.

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