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What should I do to become a real estate developer or investor?

February 3, 2010 by  
Filed under Real Estate FAQ

Im a senior in high school and plan on going to a community college for 2 yrs.and then 2yrs. at a university and major in bussiness administraion. I think while Im doing that I should intern for a big real estate place like Remax or something because I would like to learn the different areas of real estate like being an agent or flipping houses.I don’t know if I should go to Real Estate school after college or what.Any suggestions on what I should do?

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2 Responses to “What should I do to become a real estate developer or investor?”
  1. tianaramal says:

    I recently graduated college and I am employed as a commercial real estate appraiser. It is pretty funny; I went to a community college for my Associates and went 2 more years to a university for business as well. I think working in any aspect of real estate is good especially for you and your age. I think working for a brokerage is good because money is not a big object yet and you can work part-time as you go to school. Also, you will get a feel of the business and you will see the different avenues it can take you such as sales, financing, construction, appraisal, commercial/residential investing etc. As an agent you will be exposed to different dimensions of the business. My suggestion is to find yourself while you are in community college and then make a decision in to what major you will be in before entering a university. Good Luck!

  2. TheGMan says:

    Hello! As a real estate investor, I’m proud to learn a young person like yourself is planning your future now. That’s awesome..I have been in the real estate investment business since 1994 and the only regret I have is that I didn’t do it sooner. I would suggest you stick to your educational plans. There’s nothing more important than getting your education. You will need it in this business. First of all I would recommend that you ask around in your area for information on real estate investor clubs and join. Go to the meetings and ask all the questions you may have. I find that real estate investors are generally very helpful to newcomers. Also, check out as many investor websites as you can. There are a large number of them out there with a wealth of information. Hopefully, you will stick with your goals. If you do, I can assure you that by your 25th birthday you will be a millionaire. Good Luck and “Happy Investing!”

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