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What to Consider When Switching Your Mortgage

April 18, 2010 by  
Filed under About Mortgages

There are lots of things to consider when switching your mortgage from one company to another. Usually people switch their mortgages in order to get a better interest rate, so money is typically of utmost importance in these situations. For this reason, ensure that you are reading all of the fine print regarding the fees associated with the mortgages. Check to see if an appraisal of your home is required before the new company will consider offering you a mortgage. If this is necessary, ensure that you find out whether you or the bank will be responsible for the cost of this appraisal. If the bank says that they will cover the cost of the appraisal ensure that you ask if this will still be the case if you decide not to switch your mortgage to them. Closing costs are another fee to make sure that you look for and ask about when switching your mortgage. Make sure that you ask if there will be closing costs associated with switching your mortgage, and if so, make sure that you find out how much the closing costs will be. Do not settle for estimates in these cases because the bank can always change the figure of an estimate and you can end up paying much more than you had ever anticipated. Ensure that all fees that are associated with switching your mortgage to the new company are in writing and on company letterhead to avoid a, “He said, she said,” debate when it comes time to switch the mortgage. Before completing the process of switching your mortgage ensure that you have carefully read the loan paperwork and fully understand the interest rates. If you do not fully understand the interest rates and payment schedule ask for a copy of the paperwork to review at your leisure at home and seek advice and guidance. Never ever sign something that you do not fully understand. Switching your mortgage to another company can save you a lot of your hard-earned money, but make sure that you look well in advance of leaping! Remortgaging will allow you to search for a lower rate in today’s competitive market. I Debt consolidation via remortgaging is a great option as remortgaging loans are usually lower than debt loans. Equity remortgaging can allow you to take, in certain circumstances, up to 100% of your home value. That money can be used for home improvements or even to have extra funds for any need that you have. Make sure that your new lender explains to you the benefits of the remortgage deal that you choose. Remortgaging will allow you to save on your interest rate so that your monthly payments are lower. You should also ask how long your new rate would be in effect, and what your new monthly payments will be. It is a fairly quick process, and you can be usually be remortgaged within a week or less in some instances. Mortgage Comparison Site The Mortgage Finders helps people get mortgage quotes and mortgage advice that is right for them. If you are considering a re-mortgage or changing your mortgage provider completely then The Mortgage Finders can help you find the best mortgage quote. Simply visit http://www. the-mortgage-finders. co. uk complete the simple 3 step form and a fully qualified FSA approved Mortgage broker will contact you with the options available to you. The Mortgage Finders is a UK based Mortgage Comparison and Mortgage Broker website – visit http://www. the-mortgage-finders. co. uk for more information

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Andrew Black is the resident writer for Mortgage Comparison site The Mortgage Finders – visit teh site to compare over 6,000 UK Mortgage Loans – http://www. the-mortgage-finders. co. uk

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