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What We Usually Take for Granted in Finding Real Estate Notes

August 16, 2010 by  
Filed under Property Tips & Advice

There are many ways to become a real estate investor and one of the best ways is to invest in real estate notes that you have located.   Once a real estate note is posted, the biggest problem is that it is usually snatched right up.   Still, there is a technique to both obtaining those real estate note leads and changing them into a profitable sale. What is underrated and under used by most real estate investors is this one method.   What I”m referring to is telemarketing!  This is a great way of finding real estate notes at a great price. If you get a note seller interested on the phone, and get him to send you a copy of the documents, then you can usually close on 2/3 of those that are interested.   Most real estate investors avoid telemarketing for fear of knowing what to say to a real estate note holder over the phone. The truth is that telemarketing in real estate investing is just like telemarketing in any other type of business, as in it is a numbers game.   So the more real estate note leads you call, the more likely you are to find someone who wants to cash out their real estate notes.   You will be able to purchase a list of real estate note holders, after this you will need to follow the four  following  steps when you go to contact them:The first step needed is to create credibility between the real estate note holder and yourself.   Your best bet is to act just like everyone else and do it just as soon as they answer the phone.   It is essential to find a common ground with the person, perhaps in how you greet them, or how you talk about local areas.   When an individual shows a liking to you, you may get a good deal on the real estate notes you want to find. Studies have shown that people can tell whether you have a positive or negative attitude by the way that you come across on the telephone.   Keeping the phone atmosphere warm and friendly is of high importance. In your opener you can mail things to people like information on how they can profit on their real estate notes.   You can ask them if they would be interested in getting this type of information for free. • You may want to approach them as if you are doing a market study on note holders. • You can approach them with an offer they cant refuseOn your quest in finding real estate notes through telemarketing, you will need to explain what you can do for the note holder.   Good listening skills will give you the confidence and information you need to close the deal with the real estate note holder.   All you have to do is listen to why he needs money. The most crucial point about using a telephone to get real estate notes is not being concerned about the potential seller committing to a contract right now, but searching for the first note and mortgage as well as promising to send you a copy by faxing, in person or mailing. Most of the time when a note buyer gets the seller to find the original contract it is usually a done deal.   When a person is interested enough in going in and looking for the real estate note, then they are more interested than you might think in selling the real estate note. eNoteWorld. com is developed exclusively for buyer and seller of real estate notes, mortgages, contract for deeds, and other financial instruments. The site can also help you in finding real estate notes, and other financial instruments. To know more about  real estate investing, go to http://www. enoteworld. com.

Kenneth Diesi ans?ssig is Trenton, TX. He is a real estate veteran f?? r 24 years and Z?hlen.

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