Saturday, October 5, 2024

Your First Year in Real Estate: Making the Transition from Total Novice to Successful Professional

February 13, 2010 by  
Filed under Recommended Reading

  • ISBN13: 9780761534129
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

Product Description
Classic Insight into Building a Fabulous Career in Real Estate
Welcome to the world of real estate sales! Now, you control your destiny. A career in real estate offers endless opportunities, the freedom of flexible hours, and the potential to earn fabulous amounts of money. But to reach your goals you need to be prepared. Before you dive in, you must learn everything you can and discover the edge that will take you to the top.
Inside, experienced and to… More >>

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5 Responses to “Your First Year in Real Estate: Making the Transition from Total Novice to Successful Professional”
  1. ken says:

    I purchased this book plus the “21 things” your broker never told you book several years ago at amazon. I enjoyed both books, though the gaping hole in their advice is filled like like the height of the Hoover Dam! by the best books on real estate computations imaginable for anyone in real estate or appraisal or just wanting to see more and know more about time value of money calculations using one or another of the Hewlett Packard financial calculators, the HP-12C and the HP 17BII. I bought Mr. Tirone’s books–though I hear his HP-17BII book is out of print at this time?–from amazon. let me say that all of us in the office were amazed by the thorough and very cost effective book from Mr. Tirone on the HP12C used in real estate, “Professional Real Estate Problem Solving Using the HP 12C”.

    Yes, we do mostly selling and hunting for listings in residential and to an extent in comemrcial real estate. But, we are lacking at times in our understanding of the flow of numbers through a real estate situation. Here is where the gap is plugged times ten by Mr. Tirone’s real estate calculations books. His work is based, he has told me and it jumps from his example in his book, directly from things he taught many real estate agents and brokers and consultants in his seminars. The books should be mandaatory reading and study for all serious real estate professionals, and they are mandatory study in our company here in New York State.

    It is difficult to make a quick transition from a novice to a seasoned pro, but it can be done and you need all the help possible: a great broker; good books on the field; and you need some serious help where calculations are concerned. all are available from this great company,

    best wishes to all of you.
    Rating: 3 / 5

  2. I bought this book and one other as I was doing research to enter a new career in Real Estate Sales (from something totally different). It started out with how to “interview” potential brokers, questions to ask, and things to look for. This book was exactly what I needed to help me get my foot in the door and ask the right questions.
    Also, this book talks about making and maintaining relationships with all of the different constituencies in the business in a positive, upbeat, “you can do it” tone. Not to say that you don’t get the real scoop on the drawbacks as well, but overall, the tone the book is written in gives you the added push if you are at all hesitant about the industry.
    I’m sure I will go back to this book time and time again.
    (As of 7/2002) Three months later, I have started my career in Real Estate, and know more than at my review’s first writing that Mr. Zeller speaks nothing but the truth. His plan for organizing your day, and working with only clients that will bring you business and results are DEAD ON. Also see his website for more GREAT real estate commentary and suggestions…
    Rating: 5 / 5

  3. HPollard says:

    This book is a most for a individual who is thinking about becoming a real estate agent. However, if you are a Real Estate Agent you can benefit from the book it provide you pointers on how to reach the top. I like the author approach very direct and specific. It guide you to how to select the agency and what to ask when you go in a interview. When you have the job what to do… if you still need assistance Mr. Zeller have a website. This book is a must…
    Rating: 5 / 5

  4. Anonymous says:

    I have spent the last hour reading a few of the reviews for Mr. Zellers book. I have also done some simple research on the individuals who have sung the praises of Mr. Zeller.
    Steve LaChance is not a REALTOR
    Bonnie Mays is a trainer who couldn’t sell real estate so she works for a salary.
    And a few of the other fluff artist didn’t leave accurate information to be followed up on.
    Needless to say I found this book to be vague, I actually have my doubts now as to how Dirk Zeller could have sold Real Estate. I would like to know Dirk numbers. Anyone successful in RE usually sticks with it. Let’s see some RE training material with some substance. I want a trainer that teaches me BeyondSales and selling techniques. I want a product that helps me create Momentum in my business. I want a training program that provides Accountability for my actions.
    Rating: 1 / 5

  5. Anonymous says:

    A book containing everything you should already know before deciding on a career in real estate.
    Rating: 1 / 5

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